Bubbles temporarily encapsulates the space and time of the moment and creates beautiful, spontaneous shapes. Then they immediately crack and disappear. I tried to capture this moment using a technique called CHEMIGRAM.

There have been several experiences in my life that touched me to the point of shaking my heart and brain. I haven’t experienced many of these moments, but the ones that I have, have been burnt into my brain, eyes, and heart. It has enriched my life. The experiences are not caused by the creation of an object by a person, but often by experiencing something beyond my comprehension and imagination.

Suppose there is a limit to what a person can create by human activity alone. All of my experiences beyond my previous impressions have come from nature. I thought that if I created a work of art based on natural phenomena, I would be able to transcend my own limitations. My chemigram art is the result of a collaboration between the bubbles and myself.

The surface curtain of the single bubble is very thin and ephemeral, and after a certain amount of time it bursts and disappears as if it has fulfilled its entire life. In an aggregate of bubbles, depending on their size, the individual bubbles overlap each other like rooms of cells, sometimes merging, sometimes existing unevenly. However, like all aggregate bubbles, after a certain amount of time, they burst and disappear as if to expel the space and time trapped inside of them. Bubbles are so ephemeral that another definition of the word ‘bubble’ may even include “a fortunate situation that is cut off from reality or is unlikely to last.”

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TAKUMEN NEW YORK PRESENTS EXHIBITION VOL.12 “Bubbles” By Keita Tokuda August 14th, 2022 - October, 2022

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