An Interview with Promising Singer Songwriter Kamryn Marie

Nashville based pop singer songwriter Kamryn Marie

Kamryn Marie is a promising American pop singer and songwriter from Washington, DC. Her work is the astonishing combination of a wide range of styles and rhythms which reflects her authentic and captivating persona. Visiting Nashville, Tennessee, where she now lives, we had the opportunity to have a chat with her in light of her new EP “Under Control”. 

Kamryn Marie, please tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to music.

Thanks so much I am thrilled to be interviewing with you. I have been singing since I could talk and writing for most of my life. When I first started out, a lot of my lyrics never actually made it into songs that I shared, partially due to a lack of confidence and not really considering that I could create something amazing with a few words on paper. A bad break up sparked my desire to get in the studio and sing about my pain instead of wallow in it. Turns out a lot of people were able to relate to my music, which is the reason why I do it.

Well it sounds like you’ve got some really great experience. What is the hardest part for you when it comes to staying motivated to keep practicing and writing?

As funny as it sounds, it is harder for me to write lyrics when things are going great in my life. Sadness and depression just seem to pour out of me onto paper but happiness is a feeling that I am still getting used to. So if I am being honest, it is very difficult for me to put my feelings into words sometimes. My producer Stephen Antonelli has been a great writing partner to work with. He has helped me grow from a timid singer into an artist, which I will be forever grateful for.

Who are some of your favorite musicians, and how did they influence you?

Cassadee Pope’s recent album ‘Stages’ has been a big influence in my life because she brings out that truth and hard stuff that not many people speak about, which is the direction I am trying to go. Halsey is another artist that has inspired me. She doesn’t hold back her thoughts and makes you feel as if you are going through the same stuff as her. It’s easy to write about a breakup and being sad, but to get into the raw grit of depression and panic attacks, that’s where the intensity lies. As I sing my music, I literally feel a tug on my heart that  brings me back to that dark place for a bit so that I can bring those emotions back from the past. It is incredibly powerful, but also motivating and freeing.

What are your other sources of inspiration?

My mental health has been a huge motivator. I have found that writing and singing my feelings helps me recover from the bad stuff. When I hear of other people relating to my music, that is the best feeling ever. THOSE people are why I do what I do.

What is the meaning behind your music?

I have a bunch of different songs that I have sung and written. Some are darker and talk about the drowning feeling of depression and panic attacks, some are written from anger and fear, and some are about hope and progress. My songs are written about my life and my experiences. I don’t hold back and I never will.

When you are composing—how much of it is instinctual versus planned?

The lyrics usually come out scattered on the page. Sometimes we tweak them, but they are usually almost the same as the initial writing. The hardest part is coming up with a melody. That’s one of the amazing things that Stephen does. He can create some catchy tunes as soon as he reads my lyrics. We have some spats here and there, but that is only because we have become so close that we are comfortable enough to tell the other if we disagree. In the end, we have come out with some amazing music and I am very proud of us as a songwriting team.

What do you think the most appealing aspect of your new EP “Under Control”?

Under Control is my most raw album to date. It accesses a time in my life when suicide was the only thing I could think about. It was a very dark couple of years and I had to do something about it. I don’t think mental health gets talked about enough, but it’s getting better. There’s still a huge stigma along with it. That needs to change or none of us will get better.

Tell us a bit more about your next moves for the rest of this year?

I am excited to share that there will be more music releasing this year, some of which has been recently recorded in Nashville, so there might be some pop-country coming your way! I just moved to the Nashville area at the end of 2019 and I would like to start  performing a bit once I finish my masters degree this year. I am extremely excited about this new music and being able to share it with everyone.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

“Write it down before you forget”, which was actually something my grandmother said before she passed away from Alzheimer’s Disease. She was forgetful and told me I had to write down any good thought before I forgot it. A lot of my lyrics come to me while I am lying in bed or in the shower, so that advice has saved me a lot.

And finally, where to go to meet you and hear you?

I am living just south of Nashville, TN. And since there are so many good opportunities in this area, I will hopefully be performing in the Nashville area in the near future. I am always willing to meet fans and I love when my fans message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Thank you so much again for allowing me to speak with you. It was truly a pleasure.

Don't hesitate to visit Kamryn Marie in her city.


Image Credit: Jill Augusto Photography

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