The Boynes Emerging Artist Award is an international, artist run online award. Emerging artists are welcome to submit all 2D & 3D
The Boynes Emerging Artist Award is an international, artist run online award. Emerging artists are welcome to submit all 2D & 3D
The Boynes Emerging Artist Award is an international, independent artist run online award.
An art exhibition of a collection of drawings and photographs digitally layered together to capture the essence of a sacred place.
Mario Cavett is currently a DBA Student at Northcentral University and he was Born and raised in Pine Bluff Arkansas. He defines himself as “A great Black Man with a strong commitment to his Independent Projects and his family”. Mario Cavett has worked as a Writer, Illustrator and Independent Comic Publisher that spans ten years. His epic work as a Contributor for 123RF USA, LLC was first published back in...
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