Interview with Digital Abstract Artist Mark Humes

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Mark Humes is a prolific digital abstract artist. He lives and works now in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Mark has kindly accepted to answer our questions about his amazing digital abstract art. If you want to know a bit more about him, Mark Humes is in our directory where you can find his artist statement.


Mark Humes Interview:

      Be yourself, it’s one thing no one else can do.

Please tell us a bit about yourself and your universe.

Well, I was born into a family of musicians, and from my earliest memories, We traveled the country by car. I bring this up as an important note about myself because it exposed me to seeing so many natural wonders. Mountains, Forest, The Painted Desert and the Salt Flats. In all these places it seemed I saw things in them no one else saw. In my childhood, I tried to express what I saw in music, but I was not gifted with the musical talent of the rest of my family, so I began to draw. I did not create reproductions of the scenery but rather what I saw in inside it and what I felt. That underlying pattern of creation and emotion is the heart of my universe.


Were you always interested in art growing up? How did you come to digital art?

I was always interested in art; drawing pictures was my preferred way of communication for a long time as a child. I came to digital art out of necessity. After becoming disabled due to military service. I had all the time in the world to pursue art, but I just did not have the income for canvas and oil paints, so I found an art creation program and fell in loves with it. I discovered I could create my visions as quick as I had them.


Do you have or have had a mentor or other special person to guide you?

My main mentor was Mother necessity because words failed to express my feeling to others. I did receive encouragement from art therapist who worked at the V.A hospital during my recovery mainly in the sense that I continue to make art and express myself, but I have to say my art developed in the vacuum of my mind and it is that landscape and those visions I put into my art.


Your artwork seems beyond reality, is your art style inspired by any real life situations?

Real life situations very much inspire it, welcome to my world. The question is how does an emotion look? How does a thought look? To me, they have colors and shapes that are based on the geometry of flow or what some refer to as the maker’s mark. The best example is a tree. Few straight lines many arches many mirrored replications at different sizes. Now when I see this tree, I will have a thought or emotion what do they look like and how do they affect the tree and how it looks. That logic is the core of my art style.


What would you say to people who wonder if digital art is real art?

I would say does it matter what surface or tools are used to create a work of art? To me, it is like saying War and Peace would have been a real work of literature if it had been hand written but because he used a typewriter, it is somehow diminished.
I am sure the builders of the Great Pyramids may have some jealousy at our modern construction machinery, but it does not make The Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubi any less of an achievement.


What role do you want to have in society as an artist?

To me, it is to get people to look beyond what is in front of them and realize action, in the end, overcomes most deficiencies. Life does not have a goalie the only person who stops you from achievement is you.


What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on releasing The Book Of Lost Verses: Book 5. The Book of Lost Verses series is the journal of all of my artwork. I have taken it to task to publish every artwork I ever made.


What is your dream project?

My dream project would be to fuse my artwork with live concert music. Let’s face it art shows do not draw crowds the same way as concerts, and I believe visual artist are just as deserving of the attention as musicians are. So my dream would be of finding the right group and incorporating art into the show.


Is artistic life lonely? What do you do to counteract it?

I don’t feel it is. When you create whole universes in your mind, you seldom feel lonely, but it can isolate you from the outside world. I counteract it by scheduling days I drop everything art related and go out in the world and have fun.


What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Be yourself it’s one thing no one else can do.


Thank you so much Mark Humes for this interview.

Dear readers, if you have any comment or question, don’t hesitate to ask your questions below, Mark will gladly answer to you. Meanwhile, if you want to discover more about his universe, don’t hesitate to visit his Digital Abstract Art Gallery

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