Interview with Photographer and Writer Chazzy Patel

Chazzy Patel

Photographer and writer Chazzy Patel is self-publishing his first novel “High season”.

We’re so happy he has accepted our invitation to answer a few questions about his universe and his novel.


Chazzy Patel Interview: Everyone has a novel in them

Chazzy Patel

Please Chazzy Patel, tell us a bit about yourself and your universe, perhaps something few people know?

Chazzy PatelI am still figuring out myself and my universe even today. So a tough question to answer. Last year, I had been attacked and loss a great deal of my memories and the way I processed things around me.  This also included forgetting that I had written two manuscripts before writing High Season. Using those manuscripts, photography, the internet, a good therapist, support of friends and family… I slowly pieced myself and life together again… lol… Somewhat. lol

Few people know that I ran away and joined the circus when I was 15 years old and my first real job was Elephant Shit Shoveler! So there’s that…Heavy shit, huh.

When did Art become a part of your life, how have you been influenced? Who are some of your favorite artists?

I have been working on artistic projects as a novice and professional most of my life. I have literally forgotten many things along the way that pictures can and have revitalized, but the last few years, writing has become a very helpful friend in healing from many of life’s unexpected experiences. Photography and writing influence my emotions and allow me to piece the world together that pleases me.

Some of my favorite artists are Kerouac, Ian Fleming, Steinbeck, Salinger are the classic favorites. As far as current works, I have too many specific interests and favorites to list.


Could you talk about your career as a photographer?

I have been working in the photography world since 2005 after leaving the U.S Army. Mainly, in fashion and lifestyle. I had a personal loss in my life in 2009 that lead me to become a freelance photographer and travel to 7 continents to find new and better things to shoot. Finally, I realized I wasn’t happy with shooting in that world. I am currently working on a photo-book called Los t& Found. It’s a collection of photos and essays I created along my travels. As far as future photography projects. I am going to wait and see what inspires me next.


How did you swing between photography and writing? Do you have a guiding thread?

It hasn’t been easy but I have learnt to shut one off and turn the other one on. Still not sure how I have been doing it. The photo-book I mentioned above is my attempt at it. I will know more in 2018.


Could you talk about your first book “High season” available from May 1st 2017?

High Season by Chazzy Patel
High Season by Chazzy Patel

High Season: The Learnings of Mohammad Wang was essentially a medical suggestion to continue documenting my thoughts, ideas, and things I remembered after my head injury back in Jan 2016. Throwing in my own chaotic past and relearning things about myself, friends, pirates, a tropical paradise, humorous imagination, and a 500-year-old gold heist, I began writing High Season in May 2016 finishing the first draft in June.

It is a semi-fictional story about Isla Mujeres, Mexico, me and my imagination. It has been a very personal journey writing High Season and hope that readers enjoy my fictional take on a very special place. Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

Are your characters based on real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination?

Many of them are based on real friends. Pieces of them. In many ways, you could say they are real and walking around Isla Mujeres. You could even walk up to them and say hello, but no, I have taken many creative liberties with the character’s personas for these special characters to actually be real.

They are real to me 🙂


Did your numerous trips inspire ‘High Season”?

The inspiration for High Season had come from many sources. One was Isla Mujeres but a great deal of the novel was inspired by reading the other two manuscripts I had forgotten I’d written. I was getting ready to finalize that project before the head injury. Too be honest, the writing was awful. So many mistakes but it also helped me sit my butt down and create High Season: The Learnings of Mohammad Wang.


What are you currently working on?

I am self-publishing this novel so I am learning that it involves wearing many hats. At the moment, I am a publisher who is working hard on getting this book out into reader’s hands and I can go back to sitting on a beach.


What is your dream project?

Riding around the world on a motorbike in less than a year. Hopefully on an electric motorcycle. It’s never been done and I’d like to give it a GO. I am hoping my photography and writing skills will allow me to bring my readers more stories that matter to me. A create an International motorbike gang named Careless Whisper. Let will happen.


Finally, if you could pass on a single piece of advice to authors out there reading this interview, what would it be?

Everyone has a novel in them. You are human. Sit down and get it out.


If you have any question, don’t hesitate to let a comment below, Photographer and Writer Chazzy Patel will be happy to answer you. And don’t hesitate to visit his invitation to travel website

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