Interview with Ofer Samra

Ofer Samra Painting

Ofer Samra (born 1963) is an Israeli-born Jewish bodybuilder, actor, and painter. Ofer currently lives in Venice, Los Angeles, California, US and he kindly accepted to talk with us.


Ofer Samra – Finding Art Through Bodybuilding & Acting


“I love the communication game, feelings, expression, point of view and the ability to fully express that.

Expanding love and interests are imperative components. Love, creates openness, interests, create ideas.”


Please tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in the art world? I was born in Tel Aviv Israel.

From an early age, I was drawn to Athletics and Art. Athletics taught me to set up goals, and achieve. The art? well … that came a bit later.

My Acting Teacher Milton Katselas mentioned painters often, Goya, Velazquez, Picasso, that was the spark that started the fire. Milton was a Painter. His art exhibits and thought-provoking art pushed me to study art, artists, and paintings. So I took many trips to visit Museums and studied Art (Cheryl Walker, Santa Monica College).

What are some of your other accomplishments?

After winning the Israeli Heptathlon Track and Field competition(14) and The Israeli Bodybuilding Championship (20), I’ve Joined the Israeli Army for 3 years.

Who, or what, are your influences, mentors, and inspirations?

Arnold Schwarzenegger was an inspiration, so I packed my bags and came to the United States.

English wasn’t my first language and the 300.00 dollars that I had did not help much… but I had a plan. I greatly enjoy the work of Picasso…he was my first real art influence and his work is something that I will always greatly appreciate!

What are you currently working on?

I’m working on “Venice Beach Murals”, which is a series of walls I’m painting in Venice Beach! I also greatly enjoy painting Bulls…a lot of my fans have gravitated towards these. Lastly, I’m working on more abstract pieces, as well as some pieces of other animals, such as my Dog Series.

In your opinion, what separates you from other artists and makes you distinct?

What separates me from other Artists?  ….me….. yes simple. My life experience, what I want to say and feel. There is an arc of expression I want to achieve, that includes; Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract…. no rules.

What do you hope people take away from your paintings?

I do hope that people be moved by the paintings, my dream is to affect as many people as possible in a positive way…

Throughout the course of your life, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Find the core of who you are, what you love, and what you are good at. Go after your Dreams… now, stay open, be willing to make changes.


If you want to discover more about the art of Ofer Samra, don't hesitate to visit facebook page.

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