Abstract painting by Abstract Painter Jennifer Mrozek Weiss

Jennifer Mrozek Weiss


Jennifer Mrozek Weiss is an American abstract painter. She was born and till date is based in New York City in the district of Tribecca. She has actively been expressing herself through her several art works from the year 2000, where she held her first solo exhibition till date.

Her art did not remain unnoticed as she participated in several group exhibitions across the country such as the 2008  Artist Space, Night of 1,000 Drawings New York NY, the Sotherbys NY Junior League Fall Auction (2010), and the Red Dot Art Fair – Artisan Direct Gallery in Miami, FL  (2012) among many others.

She has also left her mark in the industry over the years. Proof of that is the fact she got featured and recognized in online renowned periodicals such as The Fat City Review in 2012, as well as website Publications such as See Me, and @60 Inches both during the same year (2013).  The vibrancy and uniqueness of her works got her to win the 2013 The Power of Black & White, Honorable Mention Award, Lead Award.

While continuing her exciting career in Finance focusing on Hedge Fund sales during the day, she continues her artistic life during the night, showcasing her artwork on her online gallery “A Girl from Tribecca”.

My creativity is a powerful purpose in my life. During intensely challenging or joyful times, I channel and release my emotion into my paintbrush and onto my canvas.


Artistic Universe

Jennifer Mrozek Weiss ’s abstract paintings are a mixture of shapes and vibrant colors that “Build a constant sense of power and emotion” as she says so herself. It clearly depicts her will to create art that is not only beautiful to the eye, but also art that empowers.

Over the years, she has demonstrated to be skilled at creating flowing forms, and playing with different techniques such as layering and transparency. All these techniques make her art seem more than a stationary mix of paint. They make her art feel alive. These additions such as layering and transparency of forms have nonetheless only been noticed in her latest works. This depicts her will and devotion towards making her art more alive and powerful. The vibrancy and uniqueness of her works got her to win the 2013 The Power of Black & White, Honorable Mention Award, Lead Award.

As an artist, Jennifer Mrozek Weiss affirms to have been greatly influenced by famous artists and painters such as the Spanish artist Joan Miro, in whose expression she appreciates what she refers to as the Spirit and Life; the French artist Kandinsky and the Swiss-German Artist Paul Klee whose sense of color and form she highly appreciates.

Painting means a lot to her not only as an artist but also as a person. She considers creativity as a powerful purpose in her life. She believes painting helps her overcome daily challenges as well as express joyful emotions on canvas. This perspective can be reflected on her work of art because by simply taking a look at her painting, you could see reflected a wide range of emotions if you allow your imagination to wander.

Jennifer Mrozek Weiss sees painting as therapy and is therefore more of a spontaneous artist. And beyond a simple work of art, she considers her work an expression. An expression of who she is and what she feels. That is why everyone can identify to her expression as it is a complex mix of human emotions condensed through paint on canvas.

