Looking for a cave - Shereen Yap

Shereen Yap

Shereen Yap is an artist and writer from Sydney who presents stories and journeys through paintings and words. Her original works can be seen through digital illustrations/modifications, acrylic paintings however recently her focus is on oil paintings. CHARLIE is her debut collection of poetry where the stories within it are not titled with the intent for others to relate on their own and undertake their self-discovery journey without the imposition of the author.

Poem - Shereen Yap


You can find her book “Charlie” at several locations:

AUTOGRAPHED – LIMITED COPIES.  To order a signed copy, click here to contact her directly

 XLIBRIS. To order paperback or e-book, click here

 AMAZON. To order paperback or e-book, click here

 BARNES & NOBLE. To order paperback or e-book, click here

