the blue nude limited edition artist linocut pop art print 24x26 inches collector pop art Pop Artist Doug Kemp

Doug Kemp Pop Art Gallery Launch

Pop art / modern artist Doug Kemp studied art at Walthamstow College of Art and the Royal Academy Schools in the 1960s He was a senior lecturer at Loughborough College of Art and Design from 1971 to 1993.  At 83 Doug still paints daily and has built up a portfolio of over 500 paintings & prints.

Doug describes himself as a colour and lineman who ‘colleagues’ anything seen or felt from his life and time span – it’s called zeitgeist these days. He has just as much love of 10th Century Romanesque wall painting as the golden age of comics, all line and colour people. He is an Industrial City Painter, which used to be called a Modernist fifty years ago. Everyone has influenced him, in particular Art Deco, Ferdinand Leger and Max Beckmann.

Now in his eighties, his work output is prolific spending time every day in his Suffolk studio on large scale paintings and printmaking. His work is narrative with dark forces within a comic style. With themes that embrace retro times, his characters are simultaneously humorous, tragic, sexy and visually dynamic. His work is in private and public collections in the UK, Europe and USA

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the blue nude limited edition artist linocut pop art print 24x26 inches collector pop art Pop Artist Doug Kemp
Over 60 Years of Paintings & Prints By Pop Artist Doug Kemp

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