New-York Artist Katerina Lanfranco and the styles of Imagination

Seven Sisters of the Pleiades by Katerina Lanfranco

To understand one painting style is hard enough, but to actually master two of them is a feat few painters can claim. These artists perfectly know how to depict their subject in numerous forms while keeping the theme of their work unhindered.

New-York artist Katerina Lanfranco is one of them, but she is also unique among them, as she uses one style to produce the other. When looking at her artwork, you might not see the subtle relationship between post-Impressionism and expressionism. However, once you start carefully examining it you will discover that Katerina Lanfranco actually uses post-Impressionism as a way to produce a meaningful piece of expressionist type. For example, in my favorite painting of her, Fire in the Night Sky #3, we can clearly see that the broken brushstrokes, the bright colors, the abstract theme of the Unseen all point out to the post-Impressionist techniques, and that the finished product is in fact a message of the mind of the artist and so, an expressionist piece.

When I discovered Lanfranco’s art on Instagram some time ago, it was the first time I had seen such a type of art, and I remained puzzled for quite some time, longing to know what motivated her to paint that way. After some research on her website and some time meditating on her possible motivations, I finally realized why she is doing that: Lanfranco isn’t simply choosing to compound these techniques at random or for fun, it is actually a way for her to send not only a message about nature and everyday life but also to explore the depths of her imagination and fantasy.

Like all great artists, Katerina Lanfranco depicts her thoughts and mind. However, she once again sets herself apart as she has her own creative way to find Inspiration. She questions the world around her. She determines the boundary between Reality and Fantasy. She transforms the “Unseen” into the “Seen”.  The result is that instead of simply painting the world around her, she paints the world inside her. As I said, Katerina Lanfranco and her art are something you don’t see every day, something very unique. Her universe is so complex that I was only able to show you one side of her Creativity. I now invite you to visit her website and galleries, where you’ll be able to witness and experience her creativity.


Then, let me know if I am not the only one to see her for who she is, a true artist loaded with potential that could turn out to be one of the best.



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4 Responses

  1. Katerina’s art is indeed very unique and beautiful. Though I’m not an expert in impressionism, I think her art can be enjoyed by anyone. I’m definitely going to look her up on Instagram! I love “Seven Sisters of the Pleiades” the most- the colors are vivid and unreal. I love all underwater paintings and that one really speaks to me. Katerina Lanfranco is definitely a painter to watch out for!

  2. She is a very versatile artist, particularly love her sculptures. And I love how her works evoke a sense of fantasy. Can’t wait to be able to go back up to NY and see her latest exhibitions. And my youngest daughter is so inspired by her works, she has shown an interest in art herself.

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