How to write an Artist Statement

artist statement

We, at Creativinn, will explain detailly what is meant by an artist statement first of all, why it is necessary and then how to go about writing it.

9 Tips to help you prepare your first Art Exhibition

art exhibition

Preparing for an art exhibition is undoubtedly not the most natural thing to do, especially when you’re new at it. If it’s your first time showing your art to a broader audience and you just want everything to be perfect, do not panic. Because we understand how challenging preparing an art exhibition that could be […]

How to assess an Artist online presence

assess your artist online presence

As an artist, the question of your online presence is of great importance these days, as people spend most of their time on the internet. The web is the first place they will go to in search of any information or service.

An Interview with Fashion Designer Jamie Haiden, Archipelago founder

Interview with Fashion Designer Jamie Haiden, Archipelago founder

Jamie Haiden is a life-long learner passionate about sharing my love of visual arts with others.  Talented Fashion Designer, she decided in 2011 to create her own brand “Archipelago”, a brand “that values hand made artistry with attention down to the last stitch!” as she said. Jamie Haiden is featured in Fixate exhibition organized by RAW:Toronto. […]

An Interview with Digital Artist Michael Anthony Ingram

Michael Anthony Ingram 9

Michael Anthony Ingram is not only a Digital artist living in Washington DC, he’s a retired university professor, social change activist, Founder and Executive Director of an award-nominated nonprofit organization in Washington DC, a blog talk show producer and host, a life coach, motivational speaker, educational consultant and noted spoken word poet. From New-York City, […]

An Interview with Creative Susete Saraiva

Susete Saraiva

Susete Saraiva is a miniature & portrait artist who lives in Toronto. As she says, she focuses on the darker side of life. Susete Saraiva is featured in Fixate exhibition organized by RAW:Toronto. On this occasion, I have the pleasure to interview her.     Miniature & portrait artist Susete Saraiva Interview: “Just quit your day […]

An Interview with Photographer Christopher Morrison

Max Olympics by Photographer Christopher Morrison

Christopher Morrison is an award winning photographer and a part of At-Edge’s advertising group living in the heart Toronto with his wife Genevieve.  He’s featured in Fixate exhibition organized by RAW:Toronto. On this occasion, I have the pleasure to interview him.   Photographer Christopher Morrison Interview: “The appeal of the black and white photography” Christopher Morrison, […]

An Interview with Music Composer Kobi Arad

Interview with Music Composer Kobi Arad

Kobi Arad is an Israeli-American pianist and music composer of fusion music. He was brought up in Haifa, learned music at Tel Aviv University and currently lives in New York. In his music, he combines various styles, including third-stream, jazz, R & B, Hip-hop and electro-music, with improvisation being the focus of most of his […]

